PCP calculator

PCP Calculator

The PCP calculator below can be used to quickly work out your monthly PCP car finance payments.

You’ll need to enter a few basic figures and the PCP car finance calculator will give you a full breakdown of the total cost.


Loan Amount


Interest Charged


Loan + Interest


Monthly Payment

Get a custom PCP car finance quote in 30 seconds, no credit check required, and instant decision!

How to use this PCP Calculator

PCP Loan Calculator

This PCP calculator is simple to use. Just fill in the car price, cash deposit amount, part exchange amount (if applicable), the final/balloon payment (GMFV), the length of the PCP contract, and the Annual Interest (%).

Once you’ve entered these details, the Personal Contract Purchase calculator will give you a breakdown of the loan amount, interest charged, total cost of the loan plus interest, and the total monthly PCP cost.

What does GMFV mean?

GMFV stands for Guaranteed Minimum Future Value, which is the guaranteed value of your car at the end of your PCP contract. This is set by the finance company and can vary depending on factors such as mileage and condition of the car.

Why use this PCP Finance Calculator

By using this PCP calculator, you can get an estimate of what your monthly payments will be and how much interest you will pay. This can help you budget and make an informed decision on the type of car you can afford.

Additionally, by altering different variables such as the deposit amount or length of the contract, you can see how it affects your monthly payments and overall cost. This allows you to customize your PCP plan to fit your financial situation.